Expanded user impersonation to 350 protected users with anti-phishing policy

#Microsoft is increasing the number of protected users you can secure in #ExchangeOnline with #MicrosoftDefenderforOffice365 anti-phishing policies. This is today’s #MicrosoftCloudQuickFix !

Available by the end of the first week of June 2021 within Anti-Phishing policy, in the Users to protect section, you will be able to specify up to 350 users (per policy) up from 60 users.

This means you will be able to specify more users to be protected. This user impersonation protection continues to prevent the specified users from being impersonated as message senders. This is a must-have for key personnel in your organization from Board Members to Executives/C-Suite to your Finance staff and protects against impersonation attacks that are designed to trick key users such as finance, executive assistants, and HR into making wire transfers or providing other monetizable information to cybercriminals.

Check out this Microsoft Docs page for more details on how to configure Impersonation settings in anti-phishing policies.

Migrate content from Dropbox to Microsoft 365

Today’s #MicrosoftCloudQuickFix is that #Microsoft has announced the public preview a new capability which allows administrators to take advantage of native #Microsoft365 tools for migrating #Dropbox content to #Microsoft365

Microsoft will being the rollout of this capability for public preview in late May 2021 with expected completion to be in early June 2021.

This capability will build upon other Migration Manager features found in the new #SharePoint Admin Center and enable administrators to migrate Dropbox folders and folder for users to #OneDriveForBusiness, #SharePointOnline, and #MicrosoftTeams!

After connecting to a Dropbox account Migration Manager will discover users and their files and automatically map to the destination users OneDrive for business account and prepare to copy! (of course admins can also manually map to a specific user account, SharePoint Online site, or Microsoft Teams channel)

Check out Microsoft Docs for more details!

Continuous access evaluation on by default!

You may have seen an email this week from #Microsoft advising that beginning on June 15th 2021 they will enable Continuous Access Evaluation on Premium Azure AD tenants by default. Your #MicrosoftCloudQuickFix today is that this is a GOOD thing and you will want this capability!

Continuous Access Evaluation will only be active in sessions between clients and services that support it which for now are Exchange, Teams, and SharePoint Online. When enabled in your tenant critical events, such as disabling users and resetting passwords, and critical policies like location policy, will take effect within minutes!

You can disable this feature before June 15th 2021 if you don’t want to use it but the best example why you want this enabled is:

When a user is terminated and their mailbox is in Exchange Online they will still have access to their mailbox on their devices for some time after unless there are specific steps taken by the Exchange Admin because the access token on the device is still valid. Continuous Access Evaluation would notice that the user has be disabled and nearly synchronously disable the access by rejecting the token even though it is still valid.

More information for Continuous Access Evaluation can found on #Microsoft Docs.

Update to Exchange Online Reply-All Storm Protection

Your #MicrosoftCloudQuickFix is that #Microsoft has announced some important updates to the #ExchangeOnline Reply-All Storm Protection settings to roll-out by mid June 2021.

Reply-all Storm Protection helps protect your organization from unwanted reply-all storms which could disrupt your email services and in some cases throttle the rest of your organization’s email!

#Microsoft has announced the ability to customize these setting specifically to your organizations needs inside your #Microsoft365 Tenant. Administrators will have the flexibility to enable/disable the feature, and set customized detection thresholds and block duration time allowing smaller organizations to take advantage of Reply-all Storm Protection.

Check out the Exchange Team Blog for more details!

Microsoft Teams Webinars Rolling out in May 2021

An exciting update for today’s #MicrosoftCloudQuickFix – #Microsoft has begun the rollout of the #MicrosoftTeams webinars capability.

With this update, when scheduling a meeting, you will see the Webinar option on the Calendar drop down menu in the #MicrosoftTeams interface (desktop/web).

Look for this to appear in #MicrosoftTeams by end of May 2021 and be free to use for the rest of 2021!